Seeking costs as the Independent Children's Lawyer
Independent Children’s Lawyers play a vital role in family law proceedings, representing and promoting the best interests of children the subject of those proceedings.
Naturally, such representation comes at a significant financial cost, so it is important for ICLs to seek to recover those costs where appropriate. Cost orders…
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1) Appellate Jurisdiction
Saunders & Yorke [2022] FedCFamC1A 54 (13 April 2022)
APPEAL – PARENTING – Where the father sought to challenge final orders that ceased the children’s time and contact with the father – Where the father is a part of a Community of people with…
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1) Appellate Jurisdiction
Angeli & Farina [2022] FedCFamC1A 40 (24 March 2022)
FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – INTERNATIONAL RELOCATION – Appeal from final parenting orders permitting the child to relocate with the respondent to the USA – Whether the primary judge gave adequate reasons – Whether the primary…
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1) Appellate Jurisdiction
Angeli & Farina [2022] FedCFamC1A 40 (24 March 2022)
FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – INTERNATIONAL RELOCATION – Appeal from final parenting orders permitting the child to relocate with the respondent to the USA – Whether the primary judge gave adequate reasons – Whether the primary…
Responding to an application for an ICL to be discharged
From time to time ICL’s may face an application that they be discharged. Attached is a bulletin to assist ICLs to respond to a discharge application (prepared by Legal Aid NSW's Appeals and Complex Litigation Unit).
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1)
Eacret & Eacret [2021] FedCFamC1F 300 (14 December 2021)
FAMILY LAW – INTERIM PARENTING – Independent Children’s Lawyer appointed to represent the interests of the 16 year old child.
FAMILY LAW – INTERIM FINANCIAL RELIEF – Where the husband has access to income from various corporate entities and…
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1) Appellate Jurisdiction
Basford & Basford [2021] FedCFamC1A 105 (6 December 2021)
FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – PARENTING – Adequate reasons – Where risk was in issue – Where the respondent alleged that the appellant presented a risk of harm to the children – Where the primary…
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1) Appellate Jurisdiction
Hedlund & Hedlund [2021] FedCFamC1A 84 (15 December 2021)
PARENTING - Whether the effect of the orders is manifestly unjust or unreasonable – Whether primary judge took into account irrelevant considerations – Whether primary judge failed to take into account relevant considerations –…
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – (Division 1) Appellate Jurisdiction
Secretary, Department of Communities and Justice & Opunui [2021] FedCFamC1A 41 (20 October 2021)
PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY – Where the primary judge rejected the mutual proposal of the parties and the Independent Children’s Lawyer for orders directing the children to live with the mother…
W ebinar recording: Meeting with children via technology, 26 October 2021 is now available exclusively to website members on the Event pages
Since the Covid-19 pandemic we have all needed to pivot to remote engagement with courts and clients. This webinar explores the experience of ICLs meeting with children via technology, tips,…