Uniting's Anchor program consists of a suite of resources for children, parents & professionals to assist children and young people experiencing parental separation.
Below you can find various resources that may be of assistance:
The Anchor
Support for Kids
Support for Adolescents
Support for Parents
For ICL website members who may have missed the 17 September webinar: Meeting With Children - Essential Skills For ICLs, you can now login to view the recording from the library of national ICL webcasts on the ICL website's Events pages.
Don't miss this opportunity to expand your ICL toolkit with practical strategies for child engagement.
The With You eLearning on trauma-informed, rights-based practice is now available nationally, with fully funded places, to all legal assistance sector staff.
Start learning now at your own pace - quickly or gradually
Better support clients with trauma, poor mental health or suicidality
Courses co-designed by clients, lawyers, allied professionals, First Nations peoples…
In exciting news National Legal Aid have engaged the services of the Safe & Together Institute to develop customised DFV e-courses exclusively for ICLs to be made available via the national ICL website.
In 2021 the FCFCOA engaged the Safe & Together Institute to deliver court-wide domestic violence training to Judges, Registrars and CCEs. The training…
Looking to deepen your understanding of Coercive Control and Trauma-Informed care? We recommend these valuable podcasts:
The first Podcast is by Psych Matters and is titled Exploring the Impact of Coercive Control: Perpetrator Strategies, Entrapment, and Suicide.
In this episode, Dr Andrew Amos is joined by Dr Manjula O'Connor and Dr Karen Williams for a second, more…
We have been working closely with our partners at AIFS to update our library of social science resources on the ICL website.
Thanks to AIFS’ expertise, a comprehensive review and update of existing social science content was conducted to provide the most relevant up to date social science resources to better support our ICL network.
Notable updates…
For ICL website members who may have missed the 4 April webinar: ICL Family Law Act Reforms - What Can ICLs Expect? you can now login to view the recording from the library of national ICL webcasts on the ICL website's Events pages.
The webinar discusses how the reforms to the Family Law Act codify…
Introducing our newly designed website and improved Learning Management System (LMS)!
Over the last six months we have been working hard behind the scenes and are thrilled to unveil our newly designed website and more user-friendly LMS, designed to serve you better.
What's new?
Modern design: Enjoy a new contemporary look
Easy navigation: With information…
Presenters: Professor Eva Alisic, Kathryn Joy, Dr Joe Tucci and Dr Rachel Carson
Date & time: Wednesday 13 September 2023, 1:00 – 2:00PM (AEST).
The murder of a child’s parent in the context of domestic violence is a traumatic experience that has immediate and long-term effects on a child’s social, emotional and cognitive…
Legal Aid NSW are hosting a webinar on Tuesday 13 June for ICLs focused on Lighthouse and the Evatt List.
Following the National ICL Webinar on 11 May this panel discussion will delve further into Lighthouse and Evatt List for NSW matters. The panel will include Senior Judicial Registrars and Judicial Registrars who determine, manage and…