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NLA launches the With You Trauma-Informed Organisational Toolkit

The NLA With You Trauma-Informed Organisational Toolkit was recently launched by the Commonwealth Attorney-General the Hon Mark Dreyfus at Australian Parliament House on 16 November 2023.

The Toolkit provides practical guidance for legal assistance services on all aspects of trauma-informed, rights-based principles across service design, organisational culture, leadership and management. This is the first Australian Toolkit of its kind, tailored to the needs and practice of legal assistance services. The Toolkit is designed alongside people with a lived experience of mental ill-health and is underpinned by an international literature review, a survey of existing best practices, and innovative approaches observed through national consultations.

This factsheet provides a summary of the Trauma- Informed Organisational Toolkit.

With You will also deliver training in 2024 – the first of its type designed with the help of those with experience of distressing encounters with the legal system. The training and toolkit is freely available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, Community Legal Centres, Family Violence Prevention Legal Services, and Legal Aid Commissions.

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