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Updated Library of Significant ICL Cases

As an ICL, staying up to date with the latest case law is essential. Thanks to our collaboration with the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), we are excited to announce a comprehensive update to our library of significant cases to support ICLs in their role.

Key Features:

  • Curated Collection: Explore a carefully curated library of significant cases relevant to ICL practice.
  • Comprehensive Coverage & easy navigation: You will find a comprehensive suite of cases by topic and sub-topics drawing on CCH/Wolters Kluwer resources, Austlii, Law Cite and the Court’s own 2024 cases data base, as well as the National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book.
  • Case Citation Information: View LawCite rankings and citation frequency for each case.

We encourage you to explore the exclusively curated library. To access, simply log in to the ICL website and navigate to Resources > Significant Cases from the main menu on the home page.

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